순천향대학교천안병원 정신건강의학과 연구실



  • Brain Signals and Mental Health Lab
  • 충남 천안시 동남구 순천향6길 31
  • T.   041-570-2286
  • E.   0705pmj@naver.com



Diagnostic stability of first-episode psychosis and predictors of diagnostic shift from non-affective psychosis to bipolar disorder: A retrospective evaluation after recurrence. Psychiatry Res 2011; 188:29-33

Kim JS Baek JH Choi JS Lee D Kwon JS Hong KS



Diagnostic stability of first-episode psychosis and predictors of diagnostic shift from non-affective psychosis to bipolar disorder: A retrospective evaluation after recurrence



Psychiatry Research

Volume 188, Issue 1, 30 June 2011, Pages 29-33
Received 17 June 2010, Revised 28 September 2010, Accepted 30 September 2010, Available online 5 November 2010.